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Effective 13 May 2024, the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) will implement the CBSA Assessment and Revenue Management (CARM) program.
5 April 2024
The CBSA Assessment and Revenue Management (CARM) digital initiative is changing how CBSA assesses and collects duties and taxes on commercial goods imported into Canada. To ensure a smooth transition, all importers—whether resident or non-resident—are required to register their companies on the CARM Portal by 26 April, 2024. Failure to register will result in rejected shipments. For a seamless transition, please designate OIA’s in-house custom broker, All Ways Custom Brokers, as your nominated customs broker within the CARM portal.
When you set up your new account in the CARM portal, an invitation to delegate authority is sent. Please accept our invitation to delegate authority to All Ways Custom Brokers to clear your shipments through the CARM portal. This invitation must be accepted for all clearances from May 2024 forward.
OIA Global highly recommend starting the CARM registration if you haven’t already! The process typically takes about 30-60 minutes. For those already registered on the CARM portal, it’s crucial to provide OIA Global with the original copy of your customs bond. If you don’t have a bond, please obtain one from your surety company to cover duties and GST based on your average monthly imports into Canada. CBSA mandates a minimum bond amount of 25,000.00 CAD for duty and tax disbursement per month.
For more information, please contact Naeem Sardar, Customs Compliance Canada, at 905 285 9225, torontocustoms@oiaglobal.com, or contact OIA’s compliance department at complianceamericasregion.support@oiaglobal.com.